Community Notices - Add Your Notice


Use the form below to add your notice to our website. Please note that ALL applications are manually verified.



Please ensure you read the following to prevent your application being rejected.


• All notices require a valid contact name, email address and phone number which are all shown on the website

• Applications require initial verificiation of email address: We'll send you an email containing a link to verify your notice. You must click on this link for the notice to be sent to the website administrator to approve. This helps filter valid applications.

• Not all applications will be accepted - the final decision is down to the website administrator.

• Applications from groups seeking to cause civil dispute, unrest or cause annoyance or upset to anyone will be rejected immediately.


What we will do to help your event

• Your notice will be shown on our website for initially one month or as the website administrator decides.

• We may also promote your notice from time to time throughout the site and also in the email newsletter to our customers.



We welcome notices from the following sorts of groups

• All family orientated types of groups and events

• Charity groups

• Self help and support groups

• Local clubs,societies and associations

• Local government



Does this notice have a specific date/time period?


Start Date of Event

For how many days

Time of Event (optional)

examples : 3pm, All Day, 12pm-5pm







The Notice


Location of event

Tip: Enter locality only, use main notice for full address.




Contact Name

(Will be shown on website as "For more information contact ..................:")


Contact Email Address

(Will NOT be shown on website but there will be a button for people to click on)

Confirm email:


Contact Phone Number

(Will be shown on website so make sure you enter the official contact number.)




Would you like to upload an image to associate with this notice - such as a logo or similar?


Please note that acceptance of your notice should not be taken as an endorsement of the event or details of it by us. You also agree to indemnify us from any dispute or grievance or loss resulting from your notice that affects any of our customers who have incurred such loss because of seeing your notice on our website. These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time.


I agree to the above terms and conditions










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No. of people


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Booking not received until you get a booking code and email
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Opening Hours
Monday12:00-3:00 & 5:30-11:00
Tuesday12:00-3:00 & 5:30-11:00
Wednesday12:00-3:00 & 5:30-11:00
Thursday12:00-3:00 & 5:30-11:30
Friday12:00-3:00 & 5:30-12:00
Saturday12:00-3:00 & 6:00-12:00
SundayClosed All Day
Serving Hours
Monday12:00-2:30 & 6:00-9:30
Tuesday12:00-2:30 & 6:00-9:30
Wednesday12:00-2:30 & 6:00-9:30
Thursday12:00-2:30 & 6:00-9:30
Friday12:00-2:30 & 6:00-9:30
Saturday12:00-2:30 & 6:00-9:30
SundayNo food service
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 The Crown and Thistle (Great Chesterford) Ltd.,Vat No:,Registered Office ,28-30 The Broadway,Wickford,Essex.,SS11 7AA